
Play helps children practice key skills and build their strengths

Two boys playing, spraying water on each other with a hose; one wears a red shirt, the other a striped shirt

In this increasingly digital world, it’s not surprising that children are spending more and more of their time on some sort of device. And while there is certainly much to be learned, explored, and created using devices, there are skills that devices can’t always teach — and that children need to learn.

Play bolsters executive function and mood regulation skills

Executive function, emotional regulation, and general physical skills are important for children to learn — and practice — as they grow. The best way for children to learn these skills is through play; that’s why we say that play is the work of a child. As devices become more pervasive, and as many children become more scheduled with lessons and organized activities, making time for device-free play can become forgotten.

I think that also, parents and children are literally forgetting how to play. Parents used to bring toys to entertain their children while they waited to see me; now they just hand their child their phone. Devices are so ubiquitous and easy, it can take real effort to put them aside and find something else to do.

Play is essential to healthy development

Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child has developed excellent handouts for parents (note: automatic download) on different age-based games and activities to help support their child’s development. I particularly like those that involve the parent too — because that not only helps your child, it helps your relationship.

Great games to play with younger children: Ages 4 to 7

In the first three years of life, play is about literally building brain connections and basic skills. As kids grow, play builds on those skills and gives them opportunities to think, be creative, cooperate with one another, and use their bodies.

Here are some ideas for 4-to 7-year-olds (note: automatic download):

  • Freeze Dance, Red Light Green Light, Simon Says, or Duck Duck Goose are all games that get kids active while reinforcing self-regulation and cooperation.
  • I Spy, Bingo (or Opposites Bingo, where families make their own picture boards and kids have to match the opposite to what is said), and other matching games are great for building memory and cognitive skills.
  • Try starting a story and having others add to it to see what plot twists emerge! It’s a great way to encourage creativity. You can do something similar with a drawing: start with something simple, like a house or a boat, and take turns embellishing this, narrating as you do.

Great games to play with older children: Ages 8 to 12

The 8-to 12-year-olds (note: automatic download) are capable of more complicated activities, like:

  • Doing jigsaw puzzles, or solving crosswords or other puzzles together.
  • Playing games like chess, Battleship, Go, or Clue that involve memory and planning.
  • Playing a sport — play basketball together, go skating, practice yoga, or go for a run together. Being active together is not only healthy for both of you, it sets a good lifelong example.
  • Learning an instrument — learn together!
  • Making things. Teach them to cook, build, sew, crochet, grow a garden. This, too, can be play.

Opportunities to play help teens, as well

As kids grow into teens (automatic download), they naturally seek more independence and time with their peers. Opportunities for play take different forms depending on personal interests. Sports, cooking, music, theater, and even (within moderation) video games can encourage creativity, life skills, and fun.

For more information about how parents can build and encourage important life skills in their children, visit the Harvard Center on the Developing Child website.

Follow me on Twitter @drClaire

About the Author

photo of Claire McCarthy, MD

Claire McCarthy, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Claire McCarthy, MD, is a primary care pediatrician at Boston Children’s Hospital, and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. In addition to being a senior faculty editor for Harvard Health Publishing, Dr. McCarthy … See Full Bio View all posts by Claire McCarthy, MD


Give praise to the elbow: A bending, twisting marvel

A 3-D medical scan graphic of an arm with 3 long bones coming together to form the elbow joint

I recently saw a car vanity plate that read “LBODOC” (as in elbow doc). The driver — probably an orthopedic doctor or arthritis specialist — was clearly a fan of the elbow, an unassuming joint and a surprisingly central player in many daily tasks. I could relate: throughout my medical career, the elbow has been my favorite joint.

Here’s why we should give praise to elbows and do all we can to protect them.

What if we didn’t have elbows?

Let’s face it: the human experience would be quite different without elbows.

Imagine your arm without a joint that bends at the elbow. You’d be unable to easily feed yourself, put on makeup, shave your face, or brush your teeth. It’d be tough to get dressed or throw a ball without elbows. And, importantly, wiping yourself after using the bathroom would be nearly impossible.

Yet, when it comes to joints and joint disease, we hear little about elbows; hips and knees get most of the attention. So, let’s consider for a moment what the lowly elbow does and why it deserves more credit.

How do your elbows work?

Three bones come together at the elbow joint: the humerus, which is in the upper arm, and two long bones called the ulna and radius in the lower arm.

Your elbow has two main motions:

  • Flexing and straightening. Flexing your arm allows you to bring your hand toward your body (flexion), which you do when bringing food to your mouth or putting your hands on your hips. Straightening your arm (extension) allows such motions as putting your arm in a shirt sleeve or reaching your toes.
  • Turning up and down. You can also flip your palms from facing the ceiling (supination) to facing the floor (pronation). These motions are important for many common movements, such as turning a key or a doorknob.

Bumping your elbow: Why is it called the funny bone?

Probably for two reasons:

  • The humerus in the upper arm sounds just like the word humorous, meaning funny.
  • Bumping your elbow often puts pressure on the ulnar nerve, since it’s located between the bones of the joint. Pressure on this nerve can cause a funny tingling sensation that runs down your arm.

Elbow trouble: Four well-known problems — and a surprising fifth

Like so many overlooked and underappreciated things, most people think little about their elbows until something goes wrong. Here are some of the most common elbow problems:

  • Arthritis. Several types of arthritis can affect the elbow, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and gout. Interestingly, the most common type of arthritis, osteoarthritis, doesn’t usually affect the elbow unless there’s been prior damage to the joint.
  • Bursitis. The bursa is a saclike structure that surrounds the tip of the elbow. Bursitis develops when it becomes swollen or inflamed, due to infection, gout, or bleeding.
  • Tendonitis. Tendon inflammation (tendonitis) may develop on the inside part of the elbow (called “golfer’s elbow”) or the outside (called “tennis elbow”). Despite these names, you don’t have to play any particular sport to develop elbow tendonitis.
  • Trauma. Everyday activities and athletic pursuits put the elbow at risk. A bike accident, falling off a skateboard, or just tripping on a curb and falling onto your arm can cause significant elbow injuries. These include ligament damage, broken bones, or bursitis.

And the surprising fifth problem? Cell phone-induced nerve irritation: holding your elbow bent for a long time can lead to “cell phone elbow” due to pressure on the ulnar nerve. This can cause numbness and pain down the arm. The solution? Put the phone down — or at least go hands-free.

How can you protect your elbows?

Considering all our elbows do for us, we need to do our best to protect them. That means:

  • Wear elbow protectors when engaging in activities likely to injure the elbows (like skateboarding or roller blading).
  • Learn proper technique for activities that can stress the elbow like racquet sports, baseball, weight training, or repetitive motions in carpentry and other types of work. For example, a trainer or coach can help you improve your tennis stroke to avoid overstressing the elbow joint and its tendons or ligaments.
  • Use appropriate equipment. For example, avoid using a tennis racquet that’s too heavy for you.
  • Train well. Strengthening forearm muscles and stretching can help avoid golfer’s elbow.

The bottom line

As the junction between hand and shoulder, our elbows play a pivotal role in everyday function. It’s high time we recognized them for what they do for us. Even if the elbow isn’t your favorite joint — as it is for me — perhaps it should be in your top five. After all, think of all the things you couldn’t do without them.

About the Author

photo of Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Robert H. Shmerling is the former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Robert H. Shmerling, MD